Weight Loss with the Weight Change Paradigm ™
The only thing we need to know is that the weight is not the issue. It’s the behaviour, which leads to weight issues that needs to change. The Weight Change Paradigm fixes the cause, not the symptoms and so delivers sustainable weight loss.
Have you ever wished you could find a straight forward way to shift the weight and achieve the dress size or shape you desire? I wonder what things you could see, hear or feel if you had increased energy? Where would you be, what would you have, how would you feel, and what would you be able to do when your weight problem is gone?
What is the Weight Change Paradigm?
The Weight Change Paradigm can be used for people with long term “weight issues” rather than someone who has put on a few pounds over Christmas or after a holiday. If you’re looking to lose weight then Laura’s been where you are now.
Weight Loss or Weight Change is a mindset thing (whether it’s weight loss or weight gain that’s required). Weight issues, are as a result of eating. Eating is a behaviour. Behaviour is controlled by the unconscious mind, and because of this it stands to reason that you can’t lose weight without making changes at the unconscious level. The main reason diets and supplements don’t work long term is they encourage you to lose weight consciously (eg “don’t eat x, eat y”) which will only ever work for a short period of time. It’s this simple logic that makes the difference to people who lose weight using the Weight Change Paradigm – it’s a mindset thing!
The Weight Change Paradigm aims to help you achieve your ideal shape or weight goal in a safe and sensible way. For example, Laura lost around 3.5 stone in 11 months. The Weight Change paradigm aims for you to lose a healthy average of 2 lbs a week – but unlike diets, this stays off. The Weight Change Paradigm does not necessitate extreme and excessive exercise routines, but you’ll be pleased to know that many of our clients tell us that after working with us they have an increased desire to exercise more and find their food shopping and eating habits changed – which comes with lots of positive benefits.
We believe that the Weight Change paradigm is not only an alternative to traditional dieting but offers hope to many people who think that their only alternative to dieting is bariatric surgery – going under the knife in a hospital, having a general anaesthetic, time off work, recuperation time, costs in the region of £11,000 in order to shed the pounds and the sad thing is that even this doesn’t work for some people. Laura knows someone who went abroad to have a gastric band fitted privately and in 6 months had only lost a couple of pounds – they was gutted, and £6,000 worse off! The reason some people fail to lose weight even after surgery? – is because their behaviour hasn’t changed (and remember that’s driven by the unconscious mind – weight loss is a mind issue!)
How the Weight Change Paradigm works – are you ready to change your mindset and take a weight off your mind?
Our Weight Change Paradigm is different to the ‘traditional’ way of changing your weight and that means we can help you achieve your ideal weight in a new and improved way. We approach it from a new perspective; a perspective of getting under the skin of a weight concern, find the root cause and help you to work with your mind to make changes at that level, thus helping you achieve your weight goal. There are no scales (or ‘sad steps’ as we call them), we measure your success in other ways (such as body measurements).
In order to work with us on the weight change paradigm, people will need to be more than 7 lbs overweight/underweight and consider their weight to be a deep problem for them and typically they have tried many things over the years to resolve the problem, focusing on losing weight rather than addressing the underlying motivation.
The process is very successful and does not involve diets or extreme exercise regimes. It helps the client change their thinking and consequently, their weight issues disappear at a safe rate. In order to get the maximum from your investment in the 2 day weight change coaching session, the process starts as soon as you sign up! You will:
- Have a zoom call with your Master Coach to set expectations ahead of the 2 day intensive session and explore what to expect
- You will be set a number of tasks to complete prior to the coaching, which you will have to complete and submit to your Coach so they can be fully prepared for your session. These tasks will aim to provide the Coach with some background, allow them to spot any recurring patterns and help unseat some of the root causes (enabling the results during session to be even better!)
- Agree a time and location for your 2 day weight change session (days will run concurrently and will require you to stay away from home to ensure you are not distracted and remain focused and committed to getting yourself the results you want)
- Follow up call in the weeks following your Session to support you to embed the changes
So what if you decided to focus on you right now? Are you ready to make the changes necessary to your thinking so that your weight simply disappears at a safe rate? How would it be if you had the energy to do whatever you wanted? How would you like to take consistent action towards your weight goal?
We have a network of Master NLP Coaches across the UK who offer the Weight Change Paradigm for clients. Due to workload Laura can only take on a maximum of 2 Weight Change Paradigm Clients a year, so if you want to work with her personally you need to get in touch ASAP. You should also know that we don’t take everyone – you will spend time on the phone with Laura (or one of the Coaches) for an initial conversation and we’ll look to discuss the Weight Change Paradigm with you and decide if this is the right weight loss method for you. You’ll of course also have the opportunity to ask any questions you have.